Our Blog
Functional Exercise Training: How It Can Benefit you in Your everyday Life
Have you ever heard of the term “Functional Exercise Training”? If not, you may be wondering exactly what it is? Simply put, functional exercises train your muscles to help you perform every day activities safely and efficiently. Activities such as carrying...
Change Is Hard!!
Why is change so hard??? It is simply human nature to resist change, even when we know it can improve our quality of life. The problem is that although we want to change, as humans we also like to be comfortable. Getting out of your comfort zone is necessary for...
I Gave Up Mommy Juice….Well, Kind Of!
Soooo, everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE me some wine aka Mommy Juice! I mean what is there not to love about wine??? It has been said that red wine can be good for your health and that may be very well true but when it comes down to it, it is still alcohol which...
Are Multivitamins Necessary?
The typical American diet is very rich in calories but low in nutrients. We have access to lots of food but unfortunately all of the food we consume on a daily basis is not beneficial to our health. The purpose of eating is to FUEL our body but instead the food...
Self-Love: Making Your Health a Priority!
I’ve heard it before, “Why should I care about diet and exercise, we’re all going to die anyway?” Well, this is true but it is a terrible way to think! If that’s the case, why should you care about anything at all?! We only get one body, technically (I mean you could...
The Health Effects of Too Much Sugar
Oh Sugar, how we love you! As humans we tend to crave three things….sugar, fat and salt! This is why we can become so addicted to processed foods because they are laden with these three ingredients. The focus on today’s blog will be on sugar. Research has shown that...
What Should I Eat Pre-Workout
Have you ever thought about what you should be eating before and after exercise? The thought may have crossed your mind before and honestly, it is a great question! It is important that we provide our body with foods that will help supply the energy, strength and...
The Importance of Self-Care
Let’s face it, life can be hectic!! At times we have so many things on our plate, it’s hard to even know where to start. One thing to remember is that you can’t pour from an empty cup! If you continuously give, give, give and you don’t take the time to replenish your...
Benefits of Green Smoothies
Every morning I start my day with a nutritious green smoothie! I’m not really a breakfast person but I know it is important that I eat something every morning and smoothies are a very quick and easy way to do so. The reaction I receive daily from others at the office...
Hormone Imbalance and Weight Gain: What can I do??
Throughout the natural course of life, women experience fluctuating levels of hormones. Hormones are very powerful chemical messengers that help to regulate normal body functions; without them our body would not work properly. Hormones are necessary to sustain life...
We all have dreams and aspirations that we would like to accomplish. Be it career, family, financial or health goals we all have that something that we catch ourselves thinking about on a regular basis. Unfortunately, life can get in the way and we become so busy that...
Apparently BIG butts are all the rage these days! There is such an obsession with derrieres that women are wearing butt pads (yes you heard me, butt pads!) and electing to get cosmetic buttock augmentation. I recently watched a documentary that shared the story of...
Have you ever thought about what really motivates you to do something? Being motivated is an important component to achieving any goal in life. Let’s face it, without the proper motivation a lot of our dreams remain just that….a dream that will never come into...
Maintaining Healthy Habits While Traveling
Traveling can be a source of both excitement and stress! The anticipation of a long awaited trip, or an unexpected family emergency are both reasons for travel and can bring about different emotions. Regardless of the reason, it can be difficult to maintain your...
How Often Do You Stretch?
If your answer is never or rarely then you should consider adding a good stretching session to your routine at least two to three times a week. Flexibility is the ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion. Our flexibility can be influenced by...
Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress
We all deal with life stressors that can stem from work, family, finances and a host of other daily situations that pop up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, it is inevitable that we will all experience stress at times. What is most important is how we deal with the...
How To Get A Flat Stomach
One of the most common questions I have heard in regards to getting in shape is: “How do I get a flat stomach??” The truth is there is no secret formula to getting a flat stomach. The good news is that it isn’t impossible to achieve but it takes discipline and...
Health is Wealth!
Recently I had an unexpected minor surgical procedure and boy was it inconvenient! As a result, I had to limit my physical activity which literally gave me time to sit and think. I frequently use the phrase “Your health is your wealth”. During this down time I really...
Exercise Plateau: How to Get Unstuck!
Have you reached a point in your exercise regimen that you are no longer making progress? Let me paint the picture: You started off motivated! Eating all the right things, exercising and you are progressing towards your goals. Then BOOM…..the scale becomes stagnant,...
What is Detoxing and is it Really Beneficial?
I’m pretty sure you have heard of detoxing, as it has been a big trend in recent years. There are a variety of supplements, teas, herbs and drink mixtures out there that claim to “cleanse” and “detox the body. So what exactly does detox mean??? Detox: A change in...
Little to No Time to Exercise? Try High-Intensity Interval Training!
Let’s face it…..sometimes there are not enough hours in the day! Life can be a little overwhelming when it comes to working, taking care of your family and trying to have a little time for yourself. With that being said, spending 2 hours at the gym is just not...
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