Have you ever thought about what really motivates you to do something? Being motivated is an important component to achieving any goal in life. Let’s face it, without the proper motivation a lot of our dreams remain just that….a dream that will never come into...
Traveling can be a source of both excitement and stress! The anticipation of a long awaited trip, or an unexpected family emergency are both reasons for travel and can bring about different emotions. Regardless of the reason, it can be difficult to maintain your...
If your answer is never or rarely then you should consider adding a good stretching session to your routine at least two to three times a week. Flexibility is the ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion. Our flexibility can be influenced by...
We all deal with life stressors that can stem from work, family, finances and a host of other daily situations that pop up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, it is inevitable that we will all experience stress at times. What is most important is how we deal with the...
One of the most common questions I have heard in regards to getting in shape is: “How do I get a flat stomach??” The truth is there is no secret formula to getting a flat stomach. The good news is that it isn’t impossible to achieve but it takes discipline and...
Recently I had an unexpected minor surgical procedure and boy was it inconvenient! As a result, I had to limit my physical activity which literally gave me time to sit and think. I frequently use the phrase “Your health is your wealth”. During this down time I really...