Have you ever thought about what you should be eating before and after exercise? The thought may have crossed your mind before and honestly, it is a great question! It is important that we provide our body with foods that will help supply the energy, strength and...
Let’s face it, life can be hectic!! At times we have so many things on our plate, it’s hard to even know where to start. One thing to remember is that you can’t pour from an empty cup! If you continuously give, give, give and you don’t take the time to replenish your...
Every morning I start my day with a nutritious green smoothie! I’m not really a breakfast person but I know it is important that I eat something every morning and smoothies are a very quick and easy way to do so. The reaction I receive daily from others at the office...
Throughout the natural course of life, women experience fluctuating levels of hormones. Hormones are very powerful chemical messengers that help to regulate normal body functions; without them our body would not work properly. Hormones are necessary to sustain life...
We all have dreams and aspirations that we would like to accomplish. Be it career, family, financial or health goals we all have that something that we catch ourselves thinking about on a regular basis. Unfortunately, life can get in the way and we become so busy that...
Apparently BIG butts are all the rage these days! There is such an obsession with derrieres that women are wearing butt pads (yes you heard me, butt pads!) and electing to get cosmetic buttock augmentation. I recently watched a documentary that shared the story of...